Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I know it's been a while since the last posting (Steph reminded me of this)! Not too much new news to share. Within the last couple weeks, Amy has had some great days of not getting sick...Whoohooo! and some not too good days...Booooo! She finds that when she takes the Pre-Natal vitamins, she doesn't feel as good. Are those things really necessary? What did they do before Pre-Natal vitamins? I guess if she doesn't take them I need to make sure she is getting enough calories and a good balance of food. As of Monday (4/13/09) we are 16 weeks along and only a couple more weeks until we find out the sex of the baby!

Amy is starting to get a little baby bump, but it is only visable when she is wearing tighter fitting shirts and she has started to wear maternity pants because a lot of her jeans were getting too tight for comfort. We listened to the heart beat on Easter using the little ultrasound device and it also calculates how many beats per minute the heart is going at. It was at about 150 beats per minute...some say that based on that number we would be having a boy. We'll find out soon! We have our next appointment this friday, 4/17/09

I haven't started talking too much to the baby yet, but I think I should so s/he will know my voice when they are born. I can't wait!