Monday, July 20, 2009

First Prego Class

We had our first pregnancy class last Tuesday (7/14/09) and we learned about bathing. They also talked and showed how to put on diapers, and cloth the baby, but that's the easy stuff! Tomorrow is the topic of nursing (should be exciting!). I know I will learn a ton. Amy and I both had it on our hearts that God has stratigically put us in this class at the Pregnancy Resource Center for a reason (and very excited to see what He does!).

I am getting really excited for TJ's arrival and I hope that the next 2 months just flies by. He has still been kicking a ton and Amy said that she thinks he has been doing cartwheels in there. Such an amazing thing to see him move around!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Triage Visit Last night - 7/12/09

Last night, we had to visit Triage at Providence hospital. KINDA SCARY! Amy had not been feeling well all day yesterday. She wasn't able to hold anything down, including fluids. Her Braxton Hicks started to occur more frequently...she said they were happening every 4 - 10 minutes. She called the On-Call OB GYN and they told her to get to the hospital.

When she called me, I had just gotten on the freeway in Bellingham, on my way home from Josten's Wedding...all the way home I was thinking if I would see TJ soon.

Ends up that Amy was pretty dehydrated and they needed to get her some fluids. 6 pokes later, Amy was finally able to get hooked up to the IV. TJ was doing well and was moving a ton as soon as the Braxton Hicks stopped occurring so frequently (I think he was trying to tell mom that she needed to drink more water!).

Thursday, July 2, 2009


We have chosen his name! THOMAS JOHN SANGUINET...TJ for short. It took us a while but we have finally decided for sure.

TJ has been kicking a ton lately and the coolest thing for me is being able to feel his foot when he kicks (that is about the extent that I experience him so I'll take anything I can get).

We registered for baby products...not the most exciting venture to the baby store. It took us about 2 hours to register...most of my time was spent scanning the ceiling, Amy's feet, or her butt. We registered at Babies-R-US and Walmart.